Oct 11, 2009

Nirmana Komposisi Garis

Inilah hasil kerja di hari Sabtu malam...
meskipun cuma berdiam diri di kamar, tapi buat tugas sambil ditemani facebook, happy-tos, i-Tunes, & sms dr beib udah cukup menyenangkan. hohoho
Buat tugas nirmana komposisi garis ini, kita disuruh buat 3 karya dalam 1 tema menggunakan eksplorasi garis lurus, garis lengkung, dan garis patah.
Karena pas foto karya ketiganya blom selese, jadi yg aku upload cuma 2. =)
temanya sih Kegelisahan, melambangkan perasaan yg ga tenang karena banyaknya masalah yg saling bertumpuk *ngasal mode on*

Hoammss.. ∪▂∪
whatever la, pokoknya tugas nirmana udah selesai.

Hari minggu bisa santai seharian =)

◕‿◕ Enjoy Things! ◕‿◕

Oct 10, 2009

My Messy Room...

Surprised myself.

My room has never been this messy.
However, the deadline drew near!!

Enjoy Things! └( ̄▽ ̄*)

Oct 9, 2009

What a friend could do

So today when i was fiddling with my facebook account, i found a friend i knew in college was no longer on my friend list on fb. i remembered a few days ago she had asked me about deleting friends from fb. she asked whether people who removed will receive notification if he/she has been deleted or not. i remembered that time i said NO. and IT'S NOT. There was no notification about it. But sooner or later those who had removed will realize. i exactly remembered that time i said that it's all up to her bout who may become her friends and who may not. i hv no feeling that the person in question turned out to be me. it's such a stupid thing, right?
She was the first who added me and then for an unknown reason dumped me.
Do this case make me sad? don't be kidding la... hahaha
Be positive. she might got trouble on her account so that some friends removed.
Or her account has been hacked. whatever. i hope for another reasonable excuse.

Stay Cool, Guys! (◡‿◡❀)

Oct 8, 2009

Hari Malas =)


UTS tlah usaiiii~
Duh, senangnyaaaa~~
akhirnya ada waktu santai setelah berhari-hari berkutat dgn tugas2 UTS yg bejibun *lebai mode on* XD

Inilah kegiatan yg saia lakukan selama masa santai :
✿ sms-an
✿ males2an
✿ gelesotan di balik selimut
✿ utak-atik laptop
✿ update2 status pesbuk
✿ males2an ga jelas
✿ ngemil2 ga jelas
✿ browsing2 ga jelas
✿ chatting2 ga jelas
✿ download2 ga jelas
✿ dan lain sbagainya yg gajelas-gajelas -_-' pengangguran(dot)com

setresss.... setresss...

bingung oiii. ga tau mau ngapain.
daritadi pulang kuliah jam 1an, sampe sekarang cuma di kamar aja. haha...
emang nasib anak kos. tempat paling pewe satu2nya y cuma di kamar kos *alibi mode on*
jadi kangen pergi2 ma bebiy-kuw. coba kalo beib ada di sini, pasti ga ada waktu santai yg terbuang percuma buat males2an di kamar. hihihihi
Beib, kapan pulang???
Pengen maem hiu segaran bareng lagi. haha
Huwaaaa~~ Hiu emg punya sgudang kenangan indah di antara kita *lebai season2*
kapan y bisa maem hiu bareng beib lagi?

Huamh.... nganggur. nganggur. ≧﹏≦
pdhl sebenernya kalo bole jujur, masi banyak tugas yg menumpuk lhooo...
ada tugas nirmana buat 3 karya komposisi garis untuk 1 tema, trz ada lagi tgs menggambar proyeksi buat matkul menggambar bentuk. yg tugas nirmana blom kpikiran konsepnya sama sekali, pdhal deadline'nya senin ini. harusnya sih dari sekarang udah mulai nyari tema & bikin konsep. sayangnya, rasa malas mengalahkan segalanya. hwkwkkkk

Jadi, kesimpulannya adalah hari ini hari bermalas2an. =)

Enjoy Things!!

Oct 4, 2009

preparing for tomorrow exam

Besok udah mulai UTS!!
Huaaahh,,,, cepet buangettt. Ga kerasa udah mau ujian aja. perasaan baru kemarin PTMB. hahaha

Anyway, aku belom nyiapin apa2 buat UTS ini. Padahal tugas bejibun *nekad mode on*
Duh,,, moga2 semua beres & bisa dikumpulin tepat pada waktunya.

tugas TEORI DESAIN is a big nightmare!!
There's a traitor,, out of the group. making me have to find another group member. Grrrrr~ ≧︿≦
tugas TIPOGRAFI is untouched.
cuz i dunnoo where to buy the paper, the shop's located far away from my place.

So what should I do to prepare for tomorrow exam?

Just Enjoy Things!
if only Victh is here....

Oct 3, 2009

I feel no good =(

Lately I feel a bit sensitive to all things. Sometimes things seem sooo offends to me and make me upset for no reason. Perhaps my mind is being unstable, I need someone to share: a friend. But sometimes to find someone who could be called a friend becomes a tough thing for me.

I hv a lil problem in starting conversation. I'm not the type who can easily make friends even though I didn't trouble making friends with everyone. I just dunno know how to say “hello” & exchange pleasantries. I hv a lot of practices, but all matters relating to interact with other people are very very difficult. It’s not supposed to be like this. I am a student of Visual Communication Design. I should be able to communicate well, right? But..... things feel so creepy. why could this being so hard to me?

Aaaa~~~ ≧﹏≦

I really want to have a good friendship. I need someone to be called BEST FRIEND. I’m dying over here spending my whole time just all alone. SOOOO LONELY.

But, of course God is not that cruel. At least I still have a very-good-boyfriend who gladly accompanied me through the days. Thx God I still have Victhor in my life! .... despite we are separated by the distance.

Keep Smiling! ∩▂∩

Oct 1, 2009

I'll be missing you

as i have previously imagined, today has become a tough day.
once again, time goes so fast, it's not on my side. I can blame no one for this, even from the beginning i've known that this separation will come.


Oh, NOO~~~~~

why the time was running this fast? Oh, if only i could stop the flow of time... I won't let him go!! I wanted him back. I wanted him to stay by side. I wanted to see his smile. I wanted him to accompanied me through the days. I only wanted him. Only him.
Why he should go that soon?
*sob.sob.sob* (╥﹏╥)

I hate the distance!
I hate the time!
I hate the situation!
I hate the tears!
I hate my self a weak!

we can only meet about three months.
daaaaammnnnn,,,, that's a very long time, I can not wait.

God, please...
I want to see him soon.


Sep 30, 2009

I hope tomorrow never comes.

besok beibkuw dah pulang Surabaya lagi... kita jaoh lagi.
bakal kangen buangeett.

udah sabar2 nunggu hari2 ketemu... tapi bgitu dilewati ternyata terasa bgitu cepat berlalu. kurang dari 24jam lagi udah pisah ma my-baby-victh. uhuhuhuhu
saat2 perpisahan emang selalu menyedihkan. huks ≧▂≦
ga rela ditinggal beib begitu cepat....

the dishes are all delicious & yummy, but they still can't replace the sense of hunger and thirst for him.

Beib, could you stay here just for a while? just for a while, please...


Sep 27, 2009

happy singing with my-baby-victh^^

Hari ini aku ma beib gila2an karaoke @ Inul Vista Family KTV.
Ngakak abis. Beib-kuw lutu buanget nyanyinya. *nya.nya.nya~ :p*

Awalnya aku ma beib sempet bingung sama remot tv nya yg dudut (alibi.com padahal kita yg katrog =p) tapi akhirnya bisa enjoy singing juga. hahaha
Lagu pertama beib yg pilih.... Vidi Aldiano - Cinta Jangan Kau Pergi, tapi ga sampe selese udah diganti Fallin in Love by J-Rock's !! Wuahhh~~ i was sooooo excited!! dulu beib pernah janji bakal nyanyiin lagu ini & akhirnya kesampean juga. lalala ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♭ ♪

Thx beib, lagunya daleeemm bangettt. soalnya kamu yg nyanyiin sihhhhh.... yahhh meskipun suara kamu cempreng, tapi aku suka kok. lucu. hihi *kabuurrrr*

After Fallin in Love, gantian aku nyayi lagu An Jing by Jay Chou dgn bermodalkan suara yg pas2an. wkwkwkk.... tapi lumayan lhoo... dapet score 73... mestinya bisa dapet lebih bagus, coba kalo nyanyinya niat. tadi pas nyanyi masih asal2an siii *alibiseasondua.com*
But guys, pas nyayi lagu Rihanna - Don't Stop the Music, aku dapet score 94 loohh wkkkkkk... lebih tinggi satu poin dibanding nilai beib pas nyayi lagu (mosyooloh~~) Didi Kempot - Stasiun Balapan!!
pengen upload video'na beib pas nyanyi lagu ituuu.... tapi boleh ga ya?? beib malu katanya. pdahal lucu lho beib. goyang mautmu ki lho ra nguati.... wkwkwkwkk *ngakak guling2*

Well, pokoknya hari ini menyenangkan sekalii....

Much Fun!

Sep 26, 2009


Ada apa di balik foto2 ini?
Jay Chou bilang "不能说的秘密 (the secret that cannot be told)"
what'd ya think, huh?

Enjoy Things!