Oct 4, 2009

preparing for tomorrow exam

Besok udah mulai UTS!!
Huaaahh,,,, cepet buangettt. Ga kerasa udah mau ujian aja. perasaan baru kemarin PTMB. hahaha

Anyway, aku belom nyiapin apa2 buat UTS ini. Padahal tugas bejibun *nekad mode on*
Duh,,, moga2 semua beres & bisa dikumpulin tepat pada waktunya.

tugas TEORI DESAIN is a big nightmare!!
There's a traitor,, out of the group. making me have to find another group member. Grrrrr~ ≧︿≦
tugas TIPOGRAFI is untouched.
cuz i dunnoo where to buy the paper, the shop's located far away from my place.

So what should I do to prepare for tomorrow exam?

Just Enjoy Things!
if only Victh is here....

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